Penny Lea Ministries
Penny's Books
Penny Lea is a national Christian pro-life speaker and writer. She is the author of the most read Christian pro-life tract, Sing a Little Louder, now produced as a compelling short film. She has been a guest at the Reagan White House, and she has shared the platform with Mother Teresa in Ottawa, Canada before 32,000 people. In the past 30 years, she has spoken before multiplied thousands and has touched the hearts of multitudes of youth. Penny has written several Christian tracts that have been read throughout the US and Canada. Now it is time for the books! Aria is her first story. It will deeply touch your life.

Aria, like millions of others, never had the opportunity to live out the life God had planned for her on earth. Lovingly whisked away by the beautiful angel, Michael, after her tragic premature death, she now lives in a beautiful, heavenly garden. Growing under the guidance of her caretaker, Brandon, and surrounded by an orchestra of angels, astonishing beauty, and millions of worshiping residents, she learns the mysteries of heaven.
Beyond the veil between heaven and earth, the earth grows darker as poor choices bring devastating consequences. Many are broken, in desperate need of forgiveness and restoration. Will they hear the voice of the great King calling? Will they reach for His extended hand, or is it too late?
Also available on iBooks and Barnes and Noble eBooks
Coming Soon

The Story Behind the Story
In 1979 I was expecting my fifth child. My husband and I were also foster parents to two very needy children. I was teaching kindergarten in a Christian school and attending college. Oh, I forgot to mention that I was also a Christian singer and songwriter. Other than this, I had nothing to do.
I was asked to write a short a story for my creative writing class. I sat down one night and wrote a sweet story about a little girl and her animal friends. All of the animals were named after my kindergarten students. The little story had quite a life lesson. I enjoyed writing it very much, and I hoped that my professor would like it well enough to give me a good grade.
After I turned the story in, I received a phone call from my professor asking if I would meet with the English department. I was horrified. I wondered what I had done to be called before this group. That night they told me that they loved my little story and felt it should be published. They offered to help. I laughed as I patted my unborn baby and told them I had a rather full plate. Publishing a book was the farthest thing from my mind.
Thirty-seven years and six moves later, the Lord spoke to me as I walked across my kitchen. I heard, “Find The Panicky Picnic.” I laughed out loud.
“I have no idea what happened to that!” I said aloud, as my husband looked at me curiously.
“It’s in the attic in a box on the right.” The words shocked me.
I told my husband, “The Lord just told me to find The Panicky Picnic.”
He laughed out loud. “Do you know how many times we've moved in all those years? How would you ever find that? It was probably tossed years ago.”
“No, I was just told it’s in the attic in a box on the right.”
I walked upstairs, turned to the right and saw a small cardboard box amongst at least fifty boxes. I opened it up, and there was a folder. Inside the folder was the story with my grade and the professor’s remarks. I walked downstairs within about five minutes and waved it at my husband. The look on his face was priceless!
With the help of my dear friend and amazing illustrator, Tony Uriz, we are bringing the story to life. It’s a perfect story for this time in our society. I’ve done a few changes, but very few. I pray that Annie and her precious animal friends will touch the hearts of many children. Watch for the release date. Oh, and pray for the right publisher. I think the offer from the English department has expired.
Penny Lea