Penny Lea Ministries
Penny Lea Ministries is dedicated to standing on the firm foundation of our Lord Jesus. He is our rock and our fortress. David Wilkerson once told me, " God is not looking for superstars. He is looking for servants. Stay hidden in the shadow of the cross." These words went into the depths of my soul. There is too much talk about "My Ministry" in the church. If it isn't His ministry we labor in vain.
My heart's desire is to be used by the Lord as a voice for those who have no voice. We have lost over 58 million children in this abortion holocaust. Child abuse is out of control, and a total loss of respect for all life clouds the future of our nation. This ministry attempts to shine the light of Christ to a nation that is encompassed in darkness.
Through speaking, writing and music; God moves hearts. We pray that we can use these gifts to touch the hearts of people who have been deeply wounded and need forgiveness. There is no sin so deep that the blood of Jesus cannot reach down and cleanse. We realize that mothers and the fathers, the grandparents and other relatives of these little babies, that have lost their lives, many times suffer deep guilt later on. Post abortion syndrome affects millions of people all around us. There is freedom and forgiveness in Jesus. We hope to help many suffering people that have lived in deep regret and shame. He has called us out of the darkness into His wonderful light.
We hope to produce more literature as God leads. We have several tracts available. "Sing A Little Louder" has touched many hearts around the world, and we hope to continue with many writings to challenge the church while offering help and healing. Whether it is through our literature, speaking at your church conventions, or through praying for your prayer needs, we are here for you. Together we fight the good fight and lift up the banner of Life! God bless you for hearing His call!